Gobetasia : Situs Judi Online Slot Terpercaya Resmi

Gobetasia (GO-bet-sa) is a clandestine community of demon-worshipers located in the wooded hinterlands of Cibola. The community is a mixture of various nations of Micras, with a large number of Old Guard pandaimon coming from the Vanic nation of Cedrism. Goetics scavenge the outskirts of empire cities to survive, but with the Alexandrian Flu nearly eliminating their source of income, they have had to realign their goals. Unlike other communities that are fanatically anti-daemonic, Goetics genuinely revere their demons and practice a form of demon-worship that promotes sexual liberation and freedom. While it is not uncommon for a Goetic to be asexual or demisexual, all members of the Community are expected to conduct themselves with maturity and respect while wearing the colors of their family. If a member is caught abusing their colors, it is likely their full membership will be revoked.

Master Lukas has suggested that the Goetics begin contributing to the world economy and securing friendships with other nations, which could help the Community grow beyond its current eastern and western families' compounds in the Waffel Plains area. He also wants the Gorillas DF to expand into a permanent expeditionary force, capable of patrolling the Inner Cibolan Sea and the Jasonian Coast in support of the Troglonauts DF's raiding missions against pirates. Looking More Gobetasia

With the establishment of the Gathering Place as a hub for the Community, the influx of refugees has allowed families to construct larger compounds and towns, which have opened the door for modern conveniences such as mining, farming, and industry to be brought into the Community. Families have also begun to compete in a variety of traditional sports that can be played on smaller fields, including badminton, lacrosse, and Athlonic wrestling. They have also taken up modern sports such as motorcycle racing and Amorian football. In the past, Goetics would never have been allowed to engage in any sort of competition without the approval of their family leaders, but now most Goetics are permitted to compete as long as they do not break any rules of respect.