How Leak 188 Can Prevent Heart Attacks and Stroke
188 authorized the interests of implementing technology execution, developing electronic advice and communication management. This organization continues to organize visits that are good for the ability of cooperation, freedom, health, and consumers.
This research is quantitative using experimental methods and control classes. The results of the research sample show that data that is normally distributed and homogeneous has an effect based on the average of the experimental class and control class.
Prevents Blood Clots
Blood clots are the body's natural way to stop bleeding after an injury. They help heal the injury and are lifesaving, but they can also form when they're not needed — causing serious medical conditions like heart attack and stroke.
Platelets (blood cells) team up with plasma, the fluid part of your blood, to create a clot over an injury. Blood clots then dissolve and break down over time.
Blood clots may also cause pain in the side or back, leg swelling and difficulty peering. They can also be dangerous if they break free and wedge themselves in the veins of your legs, causing a clot known as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Nutrients like fish oil, ginkgo and garlic can prevent these problems by improving blood flow and reducing platelet activation.
Reduces Blood Pressure
Blood pressure readings are typically recorded as two numbers – the top number, or systolic pressure, measures the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart beats and the bottom number, called diastolic pressure, measures the pressure in your veins and arteries between beats. A systolic pressure of 180 over 120 or higher indicates severe high blood pressure (hypertension) and should be considered a medical emergency. For more details please visit bocor 188
Research we helped fund suggests that taking blood pressure-lowering medication can cut your risk of a stroke or heart failure by around 10 per cent, and death from cardiovascular disease by five per cent. Even in people with low or normal systolic pressure, this reduction can be lifesaving. This is because lowering your systolic pressure lowers your risk for future events, whether you have existing heart or kidney disease.
Reduces Blood Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that helps the body perform many important functions, but too much can lead to a buildup of hardened deposits in the arteries, called atherosclerotic plaque. This can reduce blood flow to the heart and brain, increasing the risk for heart disease, stroke and peripheral artery disease. Lifestyle changes, such as limiting saturated fats and trans fats, can improve cholesterol levels. Medications can also help. University of New Mexico researchers have developed a vaccine that lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol that builds plaques that can block blood vessels. The vaccine uses a CRISPR base-editing molecule that targets the gene necessary for the production of LDL cholesterol.
Reduces Blood Sugar
A person's blood sugar levels can spike when there isn't enough glucose in the body to continue fueling cells, organs and tissues. This typically happens when you don't eat enough food, are dehydrated or have low-functioning insulin. You can lower your blood sugar by eating a healthy diet, exercising and taking medication. Check your blood sugar regularly, especially before a meal and 1 to 2 hours after the first bite of food. Exercise helps lower blood sugar in the short term and can increase insulin sensitivity over time, says O'Neill. Drinking plenty of water is also important, as dehydration can cause high blood sugar levels.
You may also want to consider herbal supplements such as berberine, found in many Asian herbs, which has been shown to support the liver's production of glycogen and decrease blood sugar levels (52, 56). Fenugreek seeds are another option, although more research is needed on this herb.