JAWA88 - A Review of the Jawa 42 Bobber Bike
Jawas are meter-tall humanoids concealed beneath rough, hooded cloaks. They search the deserts of Tatooine for discarded scrap and wayward mechanicals. Their ion weapons can incapacitate droids and vehicles.
The recognizable Utinni-laden language from the movies is actually a simplified form of Jawa trade language. The Jawa tongue is complex, relying as much on gesture and scent as it does sounds.
The Jawa 42 Bobber has a peaky engine that delivers exhilarating performance at the higher end of the rev range. It can easily overtake vehicles on the highway and even reaches speeds of 100kmph without much fuss. However, the bike starts to feel jarring at this speed due to the vibrations it generates. The suspension setup is on the firm side but offers a decent riding experience and can absorb speed bumps and potholes. The upright and comfortable ergonomics also make it an ideal bike for long rides and touring.
Small: Jawas gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. They can also take 10 on Survival checks while in desert terrain and have darkvision. They can automatically speak and read both the Jawaese language and their Trade Language. For more details please visit Jawa88 login
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