The Dangers of Buying Molly
Molly, or MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), is an illegal drug that can have long-term negative side effects. It can cause psychological and physical problems for users including anxiety, depression, panic attacks and even psychosis. Some of these side effects can be life threatening and require medical intervention. It is important for people who are thinking of buying molly to understand the potential negative side effects that they may experience from using this illicit drug.
Aside from the risk of a life-threatening adverse reaction, molly can lead to other behavioral problems such as lying to parents, friends and co-workers, stealing money or taking other drugs to compensate for a lack of energy or feeling depressed. It is also important for those who are considering buying molly to recognize that they can become addicted to the drug and seek treatment for a molly addiction as soon as possible.
The DEA classifies molly as a Schedule 1 substance because it has the potential to cause severe psychological or physical harm. It is illegal to possess or buy molly without a prescription. Some states have legalized the drug for use in certain situations, such as a doctor prescribing it to treat anxiety or depression.
Despite the DEA classification of molly, it is available for purchase online. It is commonly sold in tablet, capsule and powder form. The pills are typically colored and imprinted with a logo, which may include smiley faces, clover leaves, @ symbols or corporate logos such as Mitsubishi or Nike. The powders and capsules are often mixed with other substances such as caffeine, ephedrine or BZP. This can increase the potency of the drug and lead to more serious side effects.
It can be hard for police officers to get an accurate picture of how many students on a college campus are using molly because they are usually called after the fact, when a student has already taken it. Penn State University police chief Tyrone Parham said that marijuana is the most common drug he and his officers see being misused on campus, but he didn’t have a good idea of how often students were buying molly.
Most of the time, it’s impossible to tell if you’re getting pure molly or a toxic mix of chemicals because it changes from batch to batch. “You’re playing Russian roulette if you’re taking these compounds,” Messer said.
The short-term side effects of molly use can range from sweating to teeth clenching, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. It can also lead to risky sexual behavior that can result in unwanted pregnancy or STDs, as well as psychological issues like depression and anxiety.
Long-term molly use can lead to an imbalance of the brain’s naturally produced chemicals such as norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Over time, this can cause mood disorders and problems with memory, attention and learning. It can also increase heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, as well as cause depression, insomnia and anxiety.